10 Shrines and Temples to Get Adorable Omikuji

Do you know something about Omikuji?

It’s a Japanese-style paper oracle.
Our favorite small but essential ritual when we visit Shrines and Temples.

I believe, for anyone, it can be one of the fun activities to touch the mysterious Japanese culture. And you’ll still keep it as such an adorable souvenir. Let’s check 10 Shrines and Temples to get adorable Omikuji!


What is Omikuji?

Omikuji is a lottery to predict your fortune. All you have to do is draw a lottery slip. Your fortune is written on it. (Some shrines have bilingual ones.)

The levels of blessings are:

  • Great Blessing (大吉)
  • Good Blessing (吉)
  • Small Blessing (小吉)
  • Misfortune (凶)
  • Great Misfortune (大凶)

What if you receive a Great Misfortune? Don’t worry; there is also thankful advice written on it.
Japanese people enjoy drawing Omikuji itself, whether the result is good or bad, and we utilize them as tips for a better life.

TIPS: They don’t accept credit cards. So, it’s good to have cash(especially Coin) on you. And, please check the Worship Etiquette, this site has understandable illustrations.

10 Shrines and Temples to Get Adorable Omikuji

01 Okazaki Shrine | Okazaki

Located in the center of the city
Rabbit Omikuji ¥500

This shrine is commonly known as the “Rabbit Shrine.” When the locals discuss, “What do you think of a cute omikuji?”, its name always comes up. The rabbit is an incarnation of the guardian deity and a symbol of fertility.

Blessings: Good fortune/Matchmaking/Fertility
Access: Keage sta. 30min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

Would you like to eat something special for lunch?
Then, Yu-dofu(tofu) can be an excellent choice!

02 Araki Shrine | Fushimi Inari

Located in the Fushimi Inari shrine
Fox Omikuji ¥500

There are no shrines quite like Fushimi Inari. Araki Shrine is located in a corner of it. You probably know the iconic vermilion “Torii gate.The blessing words on the omikuji are also unique; even Japanese people need an explanation. If you get a “Great Great blessing,” super wonderful days await you!

Blessings: Good fortune/Matchmaking/Business success
Access: Inari sta. 10min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

03 Rokkakudo Temple | Kawaramachi

Located nearby Nishiki Market
Pigeon Omikuji ¥500

This small cozy temple is a powerful power spot created by Prince Shotoku, who is the most legendary figure in Japanese history. Because of him, Buddhism spread in Japan. And you might go to Nishiki Market, right? It’s less than a 5-minute walk from there.

Blessings: Good fortune/Matchmaking/Longevity
Access: Shijo Sta. 15min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

04 Ryosokuin Temple | Gion

Located in the Kenninji Temple
Bishamonten Omikuji ¥500~

Do you have an interest in Zen Buddhism? “Ryosokuin” is located in The Oldest Zen Temple Kenninji. You can draw adorable fortunes, and they also offer another kind of mindful experience there. Good to know it is directly accessible from Hanamikoji Street in Gion, a well-preserved very Kyoto-like area.

Blessings: Good fortune/Matchmaking/Victory
Access: Gion-Shijo sta. 40min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

05 Kitano Tenmangu Shrine | Kitano Tenmangu

Located in the North West part of the city
Cow Omikuji ¥500

If you wish for academic success, the place to go is Kitano Tenmangu Shrine. Its symbol is a cow because the deity of learning, Michizane Sugawara, was born in the year of the cow, the month of the cow, and the day of the cow. Just one thing, you might encounter students marching.

Blessings: Good fortune/Academic success
Access: Gion-Shijo sta. 40min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

On your way home, let’s have lunch
on the scenic Kami-Shichiken Street nearby.
You are likely to see Maiko and Geiko.

06 Kamigamo Shrine | Kitayama

Located in the North part of the city
Yatagarasy Omikuji ¥500

This is the oldest World Heritage Shrine in Kyoto. It was founded more than 1,300-2,600 years ago, which means it dates back to the mythological period.Yatagarasu 八咫烏,” or the three-legged crow, is a sacred being (the messenger of the deity) in Japan. Anyway, feel the purifying air! The white pebble garden is so refreshing.

Blessings: Good fortune/Calamity prevention
Access: Kitayama sta. 40min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

07 Matsunoo Taisha Shrine | Arashiyama

Located in the Arashiyama district
White tiger Omikuji ¥500

Have you ever heard that Kyoto City is protected by Gods from cardinal directions? Yes, just like a magic circle, the west guardian deity is the white tiger. And it’s a shrine for SAKE, so people who work in the food and beverage industry are encouraged to worship.

Blessings: Good fortune/Business success/Longevity
Access: Matsunoo Taisha sta. 40min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

08 Shorinji Temple | ToFukuji

Located nearby Tohukuji Temple
Frog Omikuji ¥500

Shorinji Temple is the pagoda of Tofukuji Temple, renowned for its beautiful autumn leaves. This small but well-maintained charming garden makes it easy to stop by, just like a neighbor’s house. Enjoy drawing an omikuji and don’t miss the photogenic flower water.

Blessings: Good fortune/Money/Victory
Access: Tofukuji sta. 20min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web (JP)

09 Ujigami Shrine | Uji

Located in the Center of the city
Rabbit Omikuji ¥500

You can also get a cute omikuji in Uji, a fine tea production area. Perhaps the most famous shrine in this district is the gorgeous Byodoin Temple. But Ujigami Shrine, one of the oldest World Heritage sites, lies silently across the Uji River. Visit this serene shrine with the legend that a rabbit led a lost person a long time ago.

Blessings: Wish fulfillment/Academic achievement
Access: Uji sta. 40min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web (JP)

10 Kifune Shrine | Kibune

Located in the Northernmost of the city
Water Omikuji ¥200

Do you want to experience a more mysterious omikuji? Then, Kibune Shrine is the place to go. It is the head shrine of the water gods throughout Japan. When you soak “Mizuura-mikuji 水占みくじ” in the sacred water… Oh, fantastic! The letters will be revealed!

Blessings: Wish fulfillment/Matchmaking
Access: Kibuneguchi sta. 60min from Kyoto sta.
Official Web

It is worth a visit if you are a Nature lover,
although it’s a little bit far from the center of the city.
The air is surprisingly pure.


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